Muriwali Yanto Matalu INTRODUCTION Epistemology can be defined as knowledge about knowledge or a theory of knowledge. Where does its source come from? What is its presupposition? And is the knowledge true? These are important questions people must answer when they speak about epistemology. Christian epistemology is different from that of non-Christians. The epistemology of the non-Christians based on their belief either in one absolute person of God (Islam and Judaism), in Brahman (Hinduism) or an-atman (Buddhism), or in materialism and naturalism (Atheism). On the contrary, Christians base their epistemology on three things. First, the revelation of God, second, the principle of one and many in the doctrine of the Trinity, and third, the principle of either/or in the uniqueness of the person of Jesus Christ. Since Christians and non-Christians have different epistemologies, there is no the same point of reference between their knowledge. It means therefore when C...
PREACHING TRUE GOSPEL, FIGHTING HERESY, and DEFENDING CHRISTIAN FAITH. GKKR (Gerakan Kebangunan Kristen Reformed, English: Reformed Christian Revival Movement) is a Christian movement started and led by Muriwali Yanto Matalu that works in evangelism, teaching and propagating Reformed theology, apologetics, and cultural mandate.