Muriwali Yanto Matalu (MYM) adalah seorang penulis serta pendiri dan ketua Yayasan Gerakan Kebangunan Kristen Reformed (GKKR), juga p endeta di Gereja-Gereja Reformasi di Indonesia (GGRI). Saat ini sedang riset Ph.D. dalam bidang teologi sistematika di Theologische Universiteit Utrecht (dulu namanya TU Kampen), Belanda. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hans Burger, Prof. Dr. A.L. Th. (Ad) de Bruijne (Theologische Universiteit Utrecht), Prof. Dr. Joke Van Saane (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Subyek: “Emotions in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards and Sarah Coakley: A Comparison.” Menyelesaikan S1 teologi di STT Salem, Malang, 2006. Menyelesaikan M.A. dalam bidang teologi (Master of Intercultural Reformed Theology – MIRT) di Theologische Universiteit Utrecht, Belanda, 2016. Articles in Journals: 1. "The Significance of the Propositional Truths in Christian Faith." Verbum Christi Vol. 3, No. 1 (2016): 71-89. 2. "The Significance of the Van Tillian Method in Apologetics w...
PREACHING TRUE GOSPEL, FIGHTING HERESY, and DEFENDING CHRISTIAN FAITH. GKKR (Gerakan Kebangunan Kristen Reformed, English: Reformed Christian Revival Movement) is a Christian movement started and led by Muriwali Yanto Matalu that works in evangelism, teaching and propagating Reformed theology, apologetics, and cultural mandate.